Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lebron James

you know i had to start off my first blog talking about my favorite basketball player and also the worlds best basketball. this is a absolute BEAST! i personally think that he's the best that's ever going to play this game. UNSTOPPABLE . UNGUARDABLE . UNBELIEVABLE . how can you guard a player thats 6'9 260 lb+ that's fast a guard, big as center, quick,can handle the ball as well as any guard, a good shooter, and can jump out the gym? lebron is the most complete player that's ever played. if he chooses to he could any time want to because theres no one that can stop him. besides scoring lebron can also dish the ball like no other and he doesnt mind to pass the ball. don forget about his rebounding cuz also another one of his many ablities that makes him the worlds gratest player. with all that you should see why they call him the walking tripple doulble because he can get them with ease. LEBRON 23 JAMES

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